Read Isaiah 60:1-22
“Let your light shine for all nations to see!” This is a particular fitting verse for the last day of summer vacation before school resumes. Tomorrow I will be in the position to influence over 130 high school kids. The fact is students reflect their teachers attitudes and standards. If we want our students to act Christ-like, then we have to set that example. Additionally, we need to call out a student when he isn’t presenting proper behavior. Young people will rise to whatever expectations we as teachers set. It truly is up to us to set that example in both word and deed. Some young people have never encountered Christ-like behavior and don’t understand what they are feeling or how they should respond to those feelings. The only love that some students get on a daily basis comes from us. Let your light shine as a reflection of Jesus Christ and students will respond accordingly.
Pray: Lord, it’s easy to get caught up in the “noise” that is around me and forget that I reflect your light. That light shines brightest when I am at the top of my game and fully engaged with you. Tomorrow I will face many young people. Let me reflect your light as bright as possible. Help me demonstrate through my leadership your love and expectations to all who enter my classroom.