Read James 3:1,13-18
James 3:1 says, “Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, for you know that we who teach shall be judged with greater strictness.” 3:18 states, “And the harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.” These two bookend verses to today’s reading are especially applicable to educators as we move into the new school year. I think it is interesting that James points out that not all people are cut out to be teachers. Teachers need to have broad shoulders and be able to roll with the punches. Additionally, we have some of the most important work on the planet in our hands. We will be judged with greater strictness because we are expected to demonstrate ourselves in an exemplar way as we provide vital instruction to young people. Hence the instruction from James to sow our seeds in peace and the promise that if we do, we will harvest righteousness.
The only real measure of a teacher is how he affects his students’ future. Will we help these kids make the world a better place than it was when we got it? In order to do that, each day has to get our “A” game. Every kid has to be engaged in meaningful and relevant lessons that get them excited about themselves and their abilities. Find a kid’s gifts and teach them how to use them as a tool for success. Find a kid’s weakness and show them how to overcome it to better themselves. Sometimes as teachers I think we forget that each person deserves our respect, even kids. Isn’t it easy to get caught up in all the new school year business with changes in policy, data reviews, intruder drills, and meeting upon meeting? I encourage you to remember that each of our students has a purpose given them by God. It is our job to sow a few seeds to do what we can to help that student find his purpose. After all, we will be judged accordingly and at the end of the process I want to know that my harvest will be righteous in its production as my students improve the world.
Prayer: Lord, as I start this new school year, help me to keep a handle on what is right and relevant to the lives of my students. Help me maintain your guiding light in their presence as I quietly make them aware of you. Please give me the peace it takes to be an effective teacher.